Church Floor Fundraiser

We are still fundraising to pay for the floor repairs and other repairs arising from it including:

  • Surveying the Drains,
  • Sleeving the Drains,
  • Carpet Repairs,
  • Cracks in the Wall.

In January 2024 we agreed to start the floor repair works while we continue to raise funds for the remainder of the money.

The floor was repaired by a specialist company who inject an expanding resin under the concrete to raise and support it. On the whole this was successfully and the kitchen units, and rostrum, returned back to the wall.

HOWEVER, this resulting in additional costs and damage to the kitchen wall which is yet to be repaired!

Church Closed All of January 2024!

Due to the additional damaged wall, the Church was closed all of January until we could get a structual engineers survey to confirm the building is safe. We received this confirmation on the 29th of January 2024 and reopened for coffee morning on the 3rd Feb!

However, being closed all of January meant we had no income, on top of the additional expenses!

So we are now raising as much as we can to finish the repairs and ensure the future of the Church.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Make a donation, every little helps.
  2. Support our events,
  3. Take part in our special fundraising activities.

If you have a fund raising idea please let us know!

The Repairs so Far!